See What Other Services We Offer

Take advantage of our lure coursing and personal fetch services in Holden, ME

We offer Fetch and Zoomies time! Your pup and their very own staff member for a private session of fetch, tug or just running around in our fenced in enclosure away from the main facility. This is a natural lawn and is tons of zoomin" fun!

Walk in the woods: This on leash walk is outdoors with staff on our very own private trail. We do not walk pets on the street with traffic. We have a wonderful loop into the woods right here on the property. If your pet is not leash trained they are not a suitable candidate for this service. Please see other choices such as one on one playtime

Sign up for a bath with quality groom salon products for a deep cleanse and lasting freshness. We also have a hypoallergenic oatmeal based shampoo! Dogs will be hand dried with a professional grooming dryer using forced air at room temperature for a quick and comfortable drying experience.

Bath prices vary based on size and coat condition

We have bedtime cookies available for our boarding guests! These are housemade treats with simple ingredients you can count on one paw. Seasonal favorites include a a Maine blueberry crumble, apple & cheddar biscuit or pumpkin and oatmeal bar

Nail trimming - Nail trimming at home can be nerve wracking for both of you. We offer nail trims for $15. Your dog will be comfortable and confident in our well lit and clean grooming area designed to be low stress. Let us take this worry right off your hands and their paws

Services are available for Boarding and Daycare guests

Explore some of our other services

Are you a proud pet owner who wants to give your furry friend the best care possible? Uncommon Dog in Holden, ME has what you're looking for. We offer a range of services that cater to your pet's unique personality and energy level.

Bring your pup to us for:

  • Lure coursing - a seasonal chase game that takes your pup through a course
  • Outdoor walks - we'll take your pup on a private trail on the property
  • Baths and nail services - count on us to give your doggy a glow-up
  • Personal fetch services - we'll play fetch with your furry pal in one of our private and safe spaces
Give your furry friend the love and attention they deserve. Contact us today to learn more.